AI, Video, Micro-influencers, Oh My!

Third Edition: Through the Funnel (Marketing News & Jobs)

MarketingHQ is back with more meaningful insights! This week, we’re reporting on major martech changes that require planning and preparation. AI, video, and multi-types of influencer marketing are changing the game. What’s more, we also have some exciting new marketing job posting to share below!

Martech News & Analysis

  1. Google’s Algorithm Update: Google recently rolled out a significant algorithm update aimed at improving the accuracy of search results. This update prioritizes high-quality content and user experience. According to Google, "sites that provide a better page experience rank higher in search results". Be sure your website is optimized for mobile, fast-loading, and provides a seamless user experience to benefit from this update. Recent data suggests that 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take longer than just 3 seconds to load! Check out this and other related stats in Google’s recent “The need for mobile speed study”.

  2. Social Media Platform Changes: Instagram is testing new features aimed at boosting e-commerce, including in-app checkouts and advanced shopping tools for businesses. A recent survey found that 70% of shoppers look to Instagram for product discovery (#19 in the list). Meanwhile, LinkedIn has introduced new analytics tools that offer deeper insights into follower demographics and content performance. These enhancements can help marketers tailor their strategies more effectively. LinkedIn’s best practices report states that posts with images see a 2x higher comment rate; and companies that post weekly see a 2x lift in engagement with their content.

  3. HubSpot’s New AI Tools: HubSpot announced it has integrated advanced AI capabilities into its CRM platform, offering predictive lead scoring and personalized content recommendations. These features aim to enhance your ability to target and engage with the right audience more effectively. With such advanced automation capabilities, we expect, HubSpot's AI tools will enable businesses to significantly increase their lead conversion rates.

  4. Canva’s Video Suite: Canva has launched a comprehensive video editing suite, making it easier for marketers to create professional-quality videos. With features like drag-and-drop editing, pre-designed templates, and seamless integration with social media, this tool is a game-changer for content creation. Studies show that video content can increase organic traffic by 157%. To that end, short-form video content has proven to be exceptionally powerful in marketing, with 68% of consumers preferring to learn about new products or services through short videos. This highlights the significant impact and preference for concise, engaging video content in capturing consumer interest and driving engagement.

Stay ahead of the curve

Prepare for the coming of Voice Search: With the growing use of AI-powered smart speakers and voice assistants, optimizing your content for voice search is essential. Use conversational keywords and provide concise answers to common questions to improve your chances of appearing in voice search results.

Rise of Micro-Influencers: Brands are increasingly turning to micro-influencers to reach niche audiences. A tier in-between macro and nano influencers, micro-influencers engage followers with authentic content, and offer a cost-effective way for companies to enhance their brand visibility and credibility. Research indicates that micro-influencers can generate up to 60% higher engagement rates compared to macro-influencers.

Analysis wrap-up

Integrating AI automation, high-performance web pages, video content, and micro-influencer content offers a cutting-edge approach to elevate your marketing efforts. New AI tools can tailor content delivery and leverage predictive analytics for precise targeting, ensuring your message reaches the right audience at the right time.

High-quality, short form, video content (used across fast response webpages and select social media channels) with its unmatched ability to engage and convey emotion, works synergistically with the authenticity of micro-influencers, who command strong trust within niche communities.

This combination not only amplifies reach and engagement but also builds deeper, more meaningful connections with your audience, driving improved conversion rates and brand loyalty. By leveraging these advanced strategies, you position your brand at the forefront of modern marketing innovation—while satisfying both demand creation and capture.

Marketing Career Opportunities

Are you ready to take the next step in your marketing career

Explore exciting opportunities with leading companies across industries:

VP Growth Marketing | Remote (Dallas, TX, US) | $216k - $250k/yr

VP of Marketing (Zendrop) | Remote (Miami, FL, US)

Director, Social Media (Fabletics) | El Segundo, CA | $150k - $160k/yr

Marketing Director (HYBE) | Santa Monica, CA |$150k - $175k/yr

VP of Marketing (Deft) | Chicago, IL, US )

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) ( | San Francisco, CA | $210k - $250k/yr

VP, Marketing (Databox) | Boston, MA, US

Until Next Time

That's it for this week’s Through the Funnel. Until next time, keep an eye on the latest and greatest marketing career opportunities at

Happy hunting!

- The MarketingHQ Team